156 – Learn how to create a Gift Mindset | Ft. Renee Giarusso

Creating a gift mindset is never easy.  But being able to reorient your thinking can have profound impacts on your life.  That’s the message of my guest this week Renee Giarusso. Renée is a highly sought-after communication and leadership expert, leading teams and working with leaders for over 22 years. She is a keynote speaker, a professional educator, a mentor and a professional certified coach.

Renee’s latest book is called The Gift Mindset.  It challenges the reader to unwrap the 12 gifts to lead and live a life of purpose, connection and contribution. The Gift Mindset is a profound and powerful book with insights, interviews, stories, case studies, and tips that will help you adopt and embrace a gift mindset in your life and workplace culture.  It was a real pleasure to welcome her onto The Team Guru Podcast!


Lessons Learned

The Gift Mindset

The gift mindsets are key traits of any limitless leader. It’s all about embracing the challenging and positive experiences we encounter. And stepping back and unwrapping the gifts in each of those. We get so caught up in our lives, in and out of the workplace. And a lot of the time things just get swept under the rug. But creating a gift mindset really helps to use those lessons to progress yourself forward.

  1. Make time for Self reflection
  2. Raise your self-awareness in a way that serves you
  3. Jealously protect time to unwrap gifts
  4. Think about a difficult person in a your life and take a step back and ask what can be learned from them
  5. Share your challenges with people who might benefit

Creating a new mindset

Positivity is all about optimism.  It’s about hope for the future, and that things will work out in the end. In the end.

“I was working with someone only last week that said they can’t see the forest through the trees. They just cannot see it. And that’s where I think you’ve really got to step back in your awareness and create the space yourself. No one can tell you when or how to do that.”

You need to be around people that are going to support you and lift you up. And, and that’s why this mindset isn’t just about the person. It’s about sharing to help other people.


How to flip the story

Some managers are the gift that keeps giving. But others are not that great. When it comes to bad leaders Renee developed a trick.  She would write down everything she didn’t like about a particular leader. Then she would just flip that list.  The Gift Mindset is all about embracing challenging and positive situations.


Learning to eliminate distractions

Social media technology is amazing. But it does have a downside. There’s a lot of things that are distracting us from really looking inwards.Ttoo much attention out, not enough attention in.  And that leads to low self awareness, and lack of time and headspace.




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