Episode 163 | Impact: 10 Ways To Level Up Your Leadership | Rebecca Houghton
Finally someone has written a book aimed directly at middle managers. That group makes up a huge part of our listening audience. And B-Suit managers, as my guest Rebecca Houghton calls them, are the great forgotten when it comes to leadership development. There’s heaps of stuff for beginning leaders. And even more aimed at those few who make it to the C suite. But what about everyone else?
If you are a middle manager struggling under the contact pressure of time and work-load this interview is for you. For those expected to do more with less and walk the seemingly impossible tight-rope of strategic direction and organisational change there are finally some answers!
Lessons Learned
I loved her tips
- Control the pace – make some space
- Use that space to think strategically
- Influencing it’s your job. It’s not cringe and uncomfortable.
Four directions of influencing
- Up: Move from order taker to impact maker
- Out: That means reputation. And, yes, even self promotion
- Down: With your team and the people who report to you
- In: You don’t have to have a C-suite role to have C-suite impact. Believe that you can be a B-suite with a huge impact.
It’s time to invest in our leaders
And that’s why we need to invest in our leaders, Not in skills training, because those are out of date almost as soon as you’ve learned them. And not in accruing more knowledge, because Google has cornered the market there. Instead, we need to invest in the way leaders play the leadership game, well beyond merely managing teams and work.
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