Episode 202 | Harnessing Ambition | Justin Nelson

How to harness business ambition with Justin Nelson

Harnessing Ambition

A lot of us feel that burning ambition – wanting to make something of ourselves, our career, our business and our lifestyle. Having a burning ambition is one this, knowing how to harness it and turn it into something valuable is quite another. My guest in this episode is here to provide a bit of inspiration and some solid lessons from his journey in harnessing his ambition.

Justin Nelson is just one of those guys who seemed destined to have enormous success in business. He started making huge money – at a crazy young age – in his father’s business. He out-shone, out-worked, out-thought and out-earned all the older heads.

But he didn’t linger there for long. He stepped out on his own and went big.

Despite the cracking pace he’s set for himself, I found Justin incredibly thoughtful, reflective, honest and self-aware.

If you’re looking for a bit of can-do inspiration – this is the episode for you.


Lessons Learned

I really enjoyed hearing Justin’s story. I loved the way he handled COVID.  It wasn’t a set back for him, it was an opportunity to hunker down, toil away and plant the seed for a blooming business career.

He is a smart cookie. A smooth talker. A story teller. Self aware and incredibly ambitious.

I don’t see Justin cashing in his chips and retiring to the golf course any time soon.

In fact, I get the feeling this is only the beginning for Justin Nelson, Sphere Rocket and whatever else he turns his mind to.


More About Justin

Justin Nelson is the Founder and CEO of Sphere Rocket VA, an industry leading virtual workforce company. Since 2020 Sphere Rocket has placed 4,000 virtual assistants, serving 1500+ growing small businesses.

Justin began in real estate at age 17, running marketing, lead generation, and inside sales campaigns. After getting licensed, he quickly became a top producing agent, generating $320,000 in gross commissions his first year using social media and marketing growth hacks.

In 2019 Justin started coaching new and veteran agents to create leverage in their businesses through social media, hyper growth strategies, and eventually virtual assistants. The need for a service to help small business owners hire and effectively utilize virtual workers quickly became apparent, and Sphere Rocket was born.

In addition to leading Sphere Rocket VA, Justin is an in-demand speaker and coach, teaching the principles of leverage and bringing his passion for helping others create freedom to tens of thousands every year.

  • Entrepreneur & Leader
  • Coach to Top Producers
  • Growth Expert
  • In-demand Business Leverage Speaker
  • Founder & CEO of Sphere Rocket VA
  • 4000jobs created since 2020
  • From $0 to $10,000,000 in 2 years

Connect With Justin

Facebook: justinnelson76

Instagram: therealjustinnelson

Tic Toc: therealjustinnelson


Youtube: Sphere Rocket Real Estate Virtual Assistants


Connect with David: 

David Frizzell on Linkedin

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